Saturday 16 May 2009

A Bad Day For Designers!!!

Today has got to the worst day I have ever had with projects. Everything I touch has gone wrong! Personally I don't enjoy posting problems and irritations about projects so i don't, i just work through and fix them, then mention then if its relevant. Today's problems are beyond relevant. Finished Renders are missing items which are turned on in the scene, lighting has gone bonkers and the playback speeds are wonky. So far its been on of those days that I wish I didn't get out of bed.

I am rendering the opening scene once again (about the 6th time) and physically watching it to make sure the items do not vanish again. What is happening is utterly bizzar, there is no rhyme or reason for the judges mic, chair and gavel to turn off. Fingers cross this render works.

The lights i think have just been an error from the organic life form behind the machine, so not much to say there other than to remind myself to check, check and check again!

The last major problem of the day is the most confusing off them all, everything has been set to 25fps throughout the project, the sound record, the animating, the video file rendering. Yet with all these check and the animation created to sound in Maya, the video files are playing faster than the sound. For this I need to play and figure it out otherwise nothing will fit.

Why is it always the last few days problems occur? no matter how prepared and organised you are.


  1. Click the object in question, go to attribute editor > Render stats and check that 'Primary Visibility' is ticked.

  2. Thank You, Problem solved, no clue what it was everything was on as should be. Tried a different computer and it worked fine. Might be a bug on my pc.
